FTECH-MESH stainless steel filter cartridges can be used in a wide range of industries and are suitable for liquids and gases.
Where processes are most aggressive we offer both pleated and cylindrical Ftech-Mesh Filters that can be used in temperatures ranging from –150ºC to +300ºC and for differential pressures up to 25 bar in the normal flow direction.
Manufactured from 316L stainless steel throughout, they are available in both plain cylindrical and pleated, using high specficiation medias. Both are constructed using ultra clean TiG and plasma welding systems, eliminating the risk of bypass and the presence of extractables derived from any bonding agents.
They are also available with optional outer guards where reverse flow or backwashing is required.
Unique Construction
Modular assembly up to 745mm (30”) long 316L Stainless steel TiG welded for ultra clean assembly
- SS Grade - Nominal rated Precision woven mesh, available 5 – 840μm
- SF Grade - Absolute rated Sintered metal fibre, available 3 – 60μm
- Optional backwash cage for enhanced mechanical strength
For information or advice on any of our cartridges or inserts, please contact one of our team.