The IFC-6050 is an intelligent filter cart able to clean a wide range of oils at a flow rate of 10 L/min (600 L/hr).
Our built-in Hippo pots fitted onto the IFC-6050 can clean oil's down to an amazing 3 micron. Standard in-line filters mostly filter down to 10-20-micron efficiency. The most harmful contaminants in oil are sub 5-micron particles, and these are also the most abrasive.
The Hippo filters fitted are capable of removing harmful solid contaminants down to under 3 microns or ISO 14/9.
Perhaps you need on-site verification of cleanliness level. Practical quick connect fittings allow for an instant plug-in to the Particle Pal fuel cleanliness analyser, allowing real-time results in ISO/NAS/SAE in a matter of minutes.
Fitted with a Water monitor, the IFC6050 is ideal for applications where on-site filtration results require verification. It offers the user the opportunity to obtain real-time particle counts and water content in % saturation, plus it provides flow rates of up to 10 l/min (600 l/hr)
Always keeping cost in mind, the replacement filter cartridges are high capacity and inexpensive, keeping the expenditure of your consumables down.