The most cost-effective oil and diesel fuel cleanliness monitor on the market just got better!
Introducing our new Particle Pal FS9V2
Particle Pal is a self-contained portable measuring system that gives ISO, NAS and SAE Particulate Cleanliness readings and Water Content analysis for Oils and Diesel Fuels. Complete with a rechargeable battery, high-pressure internal gear pump and controlled flow rate. Whether on-site or in the laboratory, the Particle Pal will provide cleanliness readings in real-time to allow you to understand the condition of your oil or fuel.
Our FS9V2 units now have a single LCD showing all the connected sensors in real-time. We've added an internal memory for capturing data with a simple USB data transfer of results which can be printed in tabular or graphical format. Also included is powerful trending software which shows real-time cleanliness data in graphical format via USB transfer to a connected PC.
Water sensors can be included to show the humidity of any oil as a % saturation. For diesel fuels, we can include genuine water parts per million (PPM) sensor. Also for fuels, we have developed a density sensor version which accurately detects the slightest change in a diesel fuel’s density which is helpful when fuel tampering is suspected.
All Particle Pal’s can draw from oil stored in tanks or from sample bottles. Alternatively, the units can analyse oils from pressurised systems via a High-Pressure adaptor which is capable of 350 Bar inlet pressures. The internal pump can handle viscosities of up to 420 cSt.
In both Hydraulic and Lubrication systems knowing the particulate cleanliness and water content data can prevent serious system failures and component damage. By testing oil cleanliness in real-time, the necessary protection can be put in place to protect sensitive components. Samples can be taken directly from the reservoir or directly from an active fluid power system up to 350 Bar (via a High-Pressure Adaptor) or from an oil sample drawn from the system earlier. The Particle Pal can be used in a range of applications and industries including off-road plant, rail, construction, hydraulic and mechanical presses, marine and many, many more.
The Standard Particle Pal FS9V2 is also suitable for measuring the solid particulate content is all diesel fuels. Results are displayed as ISO codes. The diesel fuel market has adopted ISO cleanliness codes as the standard for ensuring fuel cleanliness. Ideally, fuel should be at least ISO 18/16/13 as a bare minimum.
The FS9V2 is ideal for tank sampling, bottle sampling or drawing from a live system, for water analysis we’ve included an accurate, temperature compensated genuine Parts Per Million (PPM) water sensor. Also available is a highly accurate density sensor to detect the slightest change in diesel fuels integrity, this can be useful to detect if fuel has been tampered with or substituted with, for example, water or kerosene.
To find out how the Particle Pal can benefit you, please contact one of our expert team to discuss further.