Our range of adjustable differential pressure switches are a versatile and economical way of monitoring both system pressure and differential pressures up to 150 psi / 10 bar.
The switches work using a spring-loaded double-acting piston fitted with a Teflon seal. The upstream pressure pushes the piston against the spring, compressing it, whilst the downstream pressure combats this by acting on the opposite end of the piston. A magnet on the piston activates a reed switch when it comes into range; the switch point can be adjusted using a sliding plate. The springs are available in 3 different ratings to provide different ranges from 3psid up to 150 psid.
By leaving the downstream pressure connection open to atmosphere (but fitted with a protective filter) the unit will work as a regular pressure switch up to 150 psi.
The switch body is available in aluminium or stainless steel and is rated to a maximum system pressure of 3000 psi / 205 bar and maximum temperature of 80°C.