The OQSxG2 Oil Life Sensor delivers the ultimate high-quality real-time oil condition analysis. This enables multiple tangible operating benefits that include reduced maintenance costs, improved reliability, reduced oil wastage, and extended equipment life.
Our unique FSH™ core technology analyses oil condition holistically, detecting, measuring and tracking all and any contamination or wear with 0.01% sensitivity (100ppm) - other sensor systems typically look at specific parameters and ignore others. This unmatched real-time complete oil analysis capability is achieved through continuous analysis of the electro-chemical properties of the oil at a molecular level.
The oil life sensor analysis data provides unrivalled high-confidence insight into real-time equipment health and maintenance status. Reliable forecasting and planning of maintenance based upon actual equipment need and thus extended optimised maintenance intervals and reduced cost becomes possible; with the assurance and safety of continuous over-watch that detects any unexpected anomalies and or contamination.
The oil life sensor works with any oil type, including mineral, semi-synthetic or synthetic oil, including fuels (diesel & bio-diesel), and is easily fitted to any equipment operating in any environment or application.