With 25 years’ worth of expertise and innovation, our multiple award-winning Particle Pal products are modular designs utilising a wide range of sensors to suit individual testing requirements.
Filtertechnik offer two particle counting options: Laser Counters or Digital Imaging, which is a more advanced particle counting technology with a wide range of benefits (see more below).
There are currently 16 product variations, use our selection guide below to refine your search in order to find the best Particle Pal for your application.
The Particle Pal: V2
Our entry-level model is a robust, portable laser counter, utilising the PC9001 instrument laser particle counter. Particle Pal delivers live readings of ISO (4, 6, 14, 21), NAS and SAE readings. It is rated for continual use in industrial applications and is the ideal monitor to notify of sudden changes in an oil condition. Accuracy is +/- half an ISO code. Add Water Sensing, Oil life and/or Viscosity sensors to give a deeper insight into your oil or diesel fuel's condition.
Particle Pal Pro: V3
Our Particle Pal Pro range, harnesses advanced digital imaging particle counting technology and offers a broader micron range up to 70 microns. The powerful CMOS camera can recognise the shape of each particle, which then categorises it into either fatigue, sliding or cutting wear to help pinpoint root causes of system failure. Along with ground-breaking air bubble detection/elimination, there is also the ability to handle higher viscosities up to 2,400cSt. Digital Imaging is not affected by oil additives. Add other sensors such as Water Sensing, Oil Life determination and Viscosity to give incredible insight into the condition of your oil or diesel fuel.
The Pro Range also prides itself on an onboard asset management tool, which is pre-installed on each Pro model as standard. The Asset tool allows users to trend, analyse and interoperate data like never before. Learn all about it in the short video on this page.
Particle Pal Plus: V4
The latest addition to the family: the all-new Particle Pal Plus. The Particle Pal Plus incorporates all the benefits of digital imaging particle counting into a compact case, offering a low-cost alternative to Pro. Full-spectrum ISO counts, bubble elimination plus ISO counts are not being affected by phantom particles/oil additives, which is a known issue with laser technology.
Particle Pal Plus is modular and can be built with an array of different sensors for a deep insight into oil and fuel health. Two pump variations are available, a standard gear pump that can be used on viscosities up to 320cSt or the high viscosity version (HV) up to 2,400cSt.